Channy had time for me today! She carefully counted out 30 treats (my training reward ration for each day). Then she trained with me!
We worked on "Look-it-me", "Don't Touch", "Take it", "Stay", and "Come". Come is my favorite. I always run towards her full blast, even if she doesn't have treats. But she's a little bit of a perfectionist and wants to make sure I always finished the "come" by doing a "sit" right in front of her. I have a nervous scooting habit (NOT BUM SCOOTING! just a kind of seated shuffle!) that I do when I see treats, so it's a little tricky.
I already know "sit", "off" (though I growl if I REALLY don't want to get off), "in", "out", "go to bed", and "let's go", but Channy says we still need to proof those ones. Proofing is making sure your dog can perform a command in any situation. Channy says "take it" and "look-it-me" are ready for proofing now too!
Maybe, after each command is proofed, I'll put up a video of me preforming commands. How fun!
And now for some random pictures of me.
Well, it's time for my walkies now!
Grand Bisous!